Roles And Permissions
In this section we're gonna be discussing how to add roles and permissions into your application.
Getting Started
Roles and permissions as we've already mentioned is a route-based, in order to work we have to store the roles and permissions somehow when a user logged in.
Typically, when a user logged in we add the user, roles and permissions in the localStorage, vue-middleware requires the roles and permissions to be added to the window object as well, when using LaravelPermissionsDriver
driver, the example below we'll assume we're using Laravel.
But refreshing the page would waste these values, right? that's why you need to populate the window each time a refresh is made.
const login = () => {
const { data } ='/login', ...)
localStorage.set('user', JSON.stringify({
// The user..
user: data.user,
// An array of permissions ['view posts', 'create posts', 'edit posts', ...]
permissions: data.permissions,
// An array of roles ['admin']
roles: data.roles,
window.Laravel = data // A copy for the window.
Tip: in order to populate the roles and permissions in the window, beforeCreate hook is a perfect place to do so, for complete use-case senario please visit the playground project.
const app = createApp({
beforeCreate: () => {
const { roles, permissions } = JSON.parse(localStorage.get('user'))
window.Laravel = {
roles, // ['admin', ...]
permissions, // ['view users', 'create users', 'edit users', 'delete users', ...]
Registering A Driver
In this example we're gonna be using the LaravelPermissionsDriver
+ import { LaravelPermissionsDriver } from 'vue-middleware'
app.use(vueMiddleware, {
+ permissions: {
+ driver: LaravelPermissionsDriver,
+ },
Attaching Permissions
Once the driver is installed now we we're ready to add roles and permissions per route.
name: 'dashboard_users',
path: 'users',
component: () => import('@/pages/dashboard/users.vue'),
meta: {
// All permissions in the array must be granted in order to enter.
permissions: ['view users'],
// Using the string syntax.
permissions: 'view users',
// Any permissions
permissions: 'view any | view users',
// All permissions have to be granted,
permissions: 'view dashboard & view users',
Attaching Roles
Attaching roles is is the same as attaching permissions.
name: 'dashboard_users',
path: 'users',
component: () => import('@/pages/dashboard/users.vue'),
meta: {
// All permissions in the array must be granted in order to enter.
roles: ['admin'],
// Using the string syntax.
roles: 'admin',
// Any roles
roles: 'admin | moderator',
// All roles have to be granted,
roles: 'moderator & editor',